On Friday, October 13, 2010, a decision is expected from the coroner and a verdict is expected from the coroner’s jury in the inquest into the death of Ian Young, who died on October 19, 2008 at Royal Columbian Hospital.

The jury has heard that Mr, Young, the 55 year old married father of an eight year old daughter, died of a brain injury after being dragged into the Ridge Meadows RCMP “drunk tank”, where he spent eight hours lying motionless before paramedics were summoned.

Counsel for Mr. Young’s widow has made a request of the coroner to call D/Commr. Gary Bass as a witness to explain how the RCMP has addressed thge numerous previous coroner’s jury recommendations made in similar cases. The coroner, Vincent Stancato, is expected to rule on the request in the morning and later the jury is expected to deliberate before issuing its verdict and any recommendations.