The Frank Paul Inquiry will resume January 7, 2008, Commissioner Davies advised yesterday.

So far, the Inquiry has heard that Frank Paul, 47, a chronic alcoholic homeless aboriginal man, was dragged in and out of the Vancouver Jail on the evning of December 5, 1998, while he was incapacitated and soaking wet. He was put in a police wagon with a man named Oscar Angel, who had been arrested by police about the same time. The wagon drove Mr. Angel to Vancouver DeTox but left Mr. Paul about a block away, in an alley between the 300 blocks of East 1st and 2nd Avenues in Vancouver.

Frank Paul’s body was found there about 2:00 a.m. on the morning of December 6, 1998, by a man searchiing for a missing cat. An autopsy revealed that Mr. Paul had succumbed to hypothermia.

In January, the Inquiry is expected to hear testimony from the driver of the police wagon and the sergeant who ordered that Mr. Paul be taken from the jail.