The British Columbia Court of Appeal has dismissed Betty Krawczyk’s appeal of her conviction for criminal contempt of court arising from her 2003 protest activities. In May of 2003, Ms. Krawczyk sat on a public logging road as a symbolic demonstration of her displeasure with the government’s forestry policies and the industry’s clearcut logging practices.


“Betty K” was arrested for allegedly violating a civil injunction order obtained by Hayes Forest Services Limited and held in jail for several weeks while the Crown and the company tried to decide what, if anything, to do with her.

Ms. Krawczyk, then aged 75, spent a total of four and one half months in jail awaiting trial. Upon “conviction” she was sentenced to a further six months behind bars. Since she was never charged with a criminal offence under the Criminal Code, bail legislation did not apply.

On appeal, we argued that the process used to imprison Ms. Krawczyk for almost a year as punishment for the physical act of sitting on a public road violated her constitutional rights. The Court of Appeal disagreed. A further appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada is being considered.

Read the Court of Appeal decision here:
2006 BCCA 156 Hayes Forest Services Limited v_ Krawczyk